Reiki Level I – In Person

In level 1 reiki training you will be initiated into the healing practice of the Usui Reiki system.  You will be attuned with the first level symbols in a ceremony and learn how to use Reiki energy to heal yourself, family, friends and clients. Students will learn the history of Reiki, hand positions, and be given a demonstration on how to channel Universal Source energy for your clients. The training opens up your channels for Reiki to flow through. It is known as a connection to Divine Source at a deeper level. Once the connection is made through the attunement, it is available to you for the rest of your life, if you choose to use Reiki. First degree Reiki provides you with the connection and symbols to empower your own self healing and to channel Reiki for others.
In this workshop you will learn:
-What is Reiki
-How Reiki Works
-The History of Reiki – The Life of Dr. Mikao Usui
-The 5 Reiki Precepts
-Reiki Symbols
-Preparing for Reiki
-The Initiation Ceremony
-Ways to use Reiki after Attunement
-Anatomic Illustrations for Reiki
-Reiki Self Treatment
-How Reiki can help you
-How to treat yourself
-Self Treatment Hand Positions
– Reiki I Attunement
– Receive Reiki I Certificate of Attunement
– Course Workbook
Upon completion of this class, the student will conduct a 21-day self-cleanse with Reiki to clear their own energy channels. 
*Prerequisite: NONE. Anyone can learn. Ages 12 & under must be accompanied by parent/guardian.
SCHEDULE: Contact for next class. If you are interested in this class, please contact me.  

Reiki Level II – In Person

The Reiki Level II Attunement and Certification is considered the practitioner level of Reiki. This training teaches you to perform Distant or Absentee Reiki. This means you are able to send healing energy to yourself and others through space and time- back in time to moments of trauma and pain, forward to your creations, and to anyone, anywhere, anytime!
In this workshop you will:
-Receive level II attunement that enables you to channel even more Reiki energy.
-Begin a new 21-day energetic cleanse of the chakra system that results in transformation.
-Learn the level 2 Reiki symbols and how to use them.
-Learn how to perform distant Reiki.
-Learn tools for in-person Reiki sessions.
-Practice sending and receiving the Reiki through distant Reiki treatments.
-Practice giving and receiving “hands on” reiki sessions
-Learn how to send the Reiki to your past traumas for healing.
-Learn how to send the Reiki to help manifest your desires.
-Receive certificate of Reiki II Attunement.
*Prerequisite: Reiki Level I certification in any lineage
SCHEDULE: Contact for next class. If you are interested in this class, please contact me.  

Reiki Level I & II Intensive – In Person

The training is available for those who wish to receive Reiki Level I & II combined with no gap time.
All topics and attunements offered in the Reiki Level I & Reiki Level II classes are offered in this intensive class over a 2 day period.
If you are interested in this class, please contact me.  
Training Fee: $295
SCHEDULE: Contact for next class in August 2021.

Reiki Master Level – In Person

The training is available for those who wish to be certified as an Usui Reiki  Master. This is a 2 day workshop.
In this workshop you will learn:
-Reiki I & II recap, Q&A
-Complete Reiki III Usui/Tibetan Master Attunement
-Instruction on giving all attunements, including Reiki Master
-The healing attunement, which heals and strengthens the effectiveness of Reiki treatments
-Two Tibetan symbols are taught, for a total of six symbols to assist in your Reiki healing
-Advanced healing techniques you can incorporate into your practice
-Spiritual Healing
-Values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master
Powerful healing experiences often take place during the class. Students practice giving attunements to each other, so each student receives many attunements.
A class manual is included, which gives detailed steps for giving all attunements and healing techniques.
*Prerequisite: Reiki Level II certification in any lineage.
SCHEDULE: Contact for next class. If you are interested in this class, please contact me.