Reiki Master Level – In Person
The training is available for those who wish to be certified as an Usui Reiki Master. This is a 2 day workshop.
In this workshop you will learn:
-Reiki I & II recap, Q&A
-Complete Reiki III Usui/Tibetan Master Attunement
-Instruction on giving all attunements, including Reiki Master
-The healing attunement, which heals and strengthens the effectiveness of Reiki treatments
-Two Tibetan symbols are taught, for a total of six symbols to assist in your Reiki healing
-Advanced healing techniques you can incorporate into your practice
-Spiritual Healing
-Values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master
Powerful healing experiences often take place during the class. Students practice giving attunements to each other, so each student receives many attunements.
A class manual is included, which gives detailed steps for giving all attunements and healing techniques.
*Prerequisite: Reiki Level II certification in any lineage.
SCHEDULE: Contact for next class. If you are interested in this class, please contact me.