Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive Japanese healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation. It promotes healing, balance & well being in the body, mind, spirit, and emotions.
It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.
If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
Reiki can improve the flow of energy in the body by helping to remove blockages.
Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind & spirit.
Reiki is a gentle, natural and safe method of healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.
Adults of any age, including pregnant individuals, and even pets and physical spaces, like your home, can receive the benefits of Reiki.
Reiki has been used in palliative care, hospice and end of life care settings.
A treatment can be completed in person or via distance since Reiki transcends time and space.
how reiki can help
Reiki can provide many benefits including deep relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and well-being.
It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect.
It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
Reiki does not interfere with traditional medical treatment, but rather, enhances the body’s innate ability to heal itself.
what's does it
feel like?
During treatment, the client is in a lying position, fully dressed, covered with a blanket on a massage table.
Reiki flows from the practitioner’s hands into the client’s body.
Each individual’s experience is different, however, most report feeling deep relaxation.
A treatment can feel like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Some clients drift off to sleep or see colors or visions.
Visit FAQ section
Invest in Your Well Being with Reiki
Invest in Your Well Being with Reiki
Save 15%
Package 4
of same Reiki
- Reiki Energy Healing
- Most Value Saving
- Investment in Well Being
- All sessions in package must be same type

“It was incredible!!
Thank you for such a beautiful session. So grateful for the healing and energy cleanse!
Customize Your Session with Enhancers
Add on any of these enhancers to your session to meet your needs:
Chakra Balancing
Sound Healing
Card Pulling
Comprehensive Reiki Services
2 Hour Reiki
In Person
- Initial Consultation
- Chakra Balancing
- Sound Healing
- Intuitive messages
- Card Pulling
- Recommendations for Growth
- Most Comprehensive Session
2 Hour Reiki
Via Zoom
- Initial Consultation
- Chakra Balancing
- Sound Healing
- Intuitive messages
- Card Pulling
- Recommendations for Growth
- Most Comprehensive Session
- Convenient
Not sure which session is right for you
Do you require a customized session not listed?
For a free 15 minute consultation to create a personalized healing session.
Learn REIKI for yourself & others
Reiki Level I, II, and Master Workshops
Sound Healing is Ancient
The use of sound and music for healing and re-balancing is not a new phenomenon. Sound has been used therapeutically for thousands of years to relax, soothe and de-stress, as well as to heal and alter consciousness. Many cultures have a tradition of using sound in this way, and ancient sound instruments, including gongs, have been found dating back many centuries.
How it Works
To enable an understanding of how Sound Healing works, it is useful to note that everything in creation is actually energy, vibrating at different frequencies. Modern physicists continue to find evidence to support this belief. For instance, dense, apparently inanimate objects like rocks, look like solid matter, but are in fact forms of energy vibrating at lower frequencies. At the other end of the spectrum, light vibrates at a very high frequency. Everything in the universe is vibrating energy.
As human beings we are also vibrating energy forms. Our bodies consist of around 70% water, which is an excellent conductor for sound. When bathed in sound, different areas of the body respond to the sounds made, by locking in or “entraining” to the sound and beginning to vibrate at the same frequencies, thus bringing harmony and healing. Every part of the body has its own resonant frequency. If there is an imbalance or stagnation (stuck energy) anywhere, the vast array of sounds made by the gongs and bowls will stimulate the body cells to vibrate in sympathy and literally tune them up. Sound also works on the subtle energy body that surrounds the physical body, which is where imbalance and dis-ease manifest first, before appearing in the physical dimension.
Gongs produce living tones that are not only heard with the ears but are mainly heard with the whole body.
Sound Immersion
Most people feel extremely relaxed and de-stressed after a sound immersion session (aka sound bath), whether in a group situation or one-to-one. The gong and bowl sounds alter our brainwaves and take us automatically into a meditative state where we can re-connect with the stillness and peace that is at the core of our being. Some people just have a very peaceful experience and feel re-energized and re-charged. Others go more deeply and may have visions or past life experiences. Some people have profound healing experiences. Others sleep through the whole gong bath! Every gong bath is an individual experience depending on where the individual is in their journey through life, and the sounds produced are entirely right for whoever is present at the time.

My intention when playing the gongs, bowls, and all the instruments utilized, is that the sounds which come forth are always for the Highest good of ALL who are present.
– Catherine

My intention when playing the gongs, bowls, and all the instruments utilized, is that the sounds which come forth are always for the Highest good of ALL who are present.
Benefits of Sound Immersion
Reduce stress and tension
Balance the mind and tensions
Stimulate the glandular system
Deep cellular healing
Regenerate the nervous system
Harmonizes the cells of the body
Awaken intuition and your gifts
Clear your mind to make decisions
Help unblock negative patterns
Connect with your divine Self
Improve your quality of life
Sound Healing Sessions
Your Own
for your
Private Group
- Honor your safety comfort levels
- Convenience of your own location
- Sound Healing with Gongs & Bowls
- Guided Meditation
- Breath Practice
- 2 Hour Event
- Water, Snack & Gift for each Guest
- Most Value Saving
- Minimum 4 additional guests
- New Jersey Area
Your Own
for your
- Honor your safety & comfort levels
- Convenience of your own location
- Sound Healing with Gongs & Bowls
- Guided Meditation
- Breath Practice
- 1.5 Hour Event
- Water & Snack for each Guest
- Customizeable for unique experience.
- Minimum 4 guests
- New Jersey Area
“Absolutely magical!
Catherine’s energy and space is so welcoming, comfortable and professional.”
Want to experience a healing sound immersion with gongs and singing bowls without committing to a private one on one session?
Community sound baths are offered monthly in a public group setting.

“Wonderful experience. Great atmosphere. Radiant energy.”
I help individuals, who are ready for a shift,
to connect with their body through yoga and invite more flow, freedom and vitality in their life.

Beginner Yoga in the Garden
Weekly community group classes held outdoors in nature.
Beginner friendly and accessible to all ages.
Beginner Yoga at
Inner Light Studio or Virtual
Weekly beginner friendly classes to assist you in getting your practice started.
Held indoor at Inner Light Studio in Old Bridge or Online via Zoom
5 and 10 Class Packs Available
Private Yoga Classes
Individual or group, in-person or via Zoom, tailored to your needs to address your personal goals in a supportive setting.
Sessions include but not limited to:
• Yoga postures (asanas)
• Breath control (pranayama)
• Meditation & mindfulness techniques
• Support in creating a home practice
• Exercise & diet
Vinyasa Candlelight Flow & KUNDALINI at Vida Studio
Weekly Vinyasa Flow & Kundalini classes surrounded by candlelight to help connect your breath with your body, relax and wind down.
Inner Light Studio Price List does not apply to classes at Vida Studio.